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Encapsulated Acids: Protecting a sour taste for the right moment

Encapsulated Acids: Protecting a sour taste for the right moment

Encapsulated acids play a crucial role in the creation of popular sour treats. At CAPOL, thanks to our decades-long experience working closely with our customers, we understand the challenges associated with incorporating acids into food products. We have developed innovative and custom solutions to overcome these hurdles – enhancing taste, presentation, and end consumer satisfaction of sour snacks.

Encapsulated acids for a wide range of foods

Many applications in the food industry require full control of when and how acids are released in the process or a sour taste develops on the end product. Sour gummies for example should keep their sour goodness right up until the point they are eaten. We understand that each application and product needs its respective coated ingredient and therefore we offer a variety of acids as well as fat coatings.

We are highly committed to flexibility and customer satisfaction, offering the advantage of smaller batch sizes, allowing for greater customization and catering to the unique needs of each of our customers and their end consumers.

How we get the timing right

Our coated acids are designed with a layer of fat around the acid particles, preventing them from premature reaction with other ingredients and dissolving due to moisture. This ensures that the sour taste is preserved until consumption when the coating is broken, releasing the acid taste. We offer acids with palm-based coating according to RSPO certification (MB), and alternatives such as rapeseed fat or sunflower fat, to meet varying preferences and market demands. Our encapsulation technology ensures that end consumers get the very specific sour treat that our customers want to present to them.

We provide unique sour profiles

Furthermore, our expertise lies not only in the selection of acids like malic acid, citric acid, or tartaric acid but also in the formulation of coatings and the encapsulation process itself. Whether it's the thickness of the coating or the type of acid used, we provide numerous options to create the perfect sour experience. Our diverse range of encapsulated acids allows for tailored sour experiences, including the acidity level and release characteristics according to consumers’ preferences.

We prioritize product knowledge and innovation, ensuring that our encapsulated acids add tangible value to our customers' products. As a result, our solutions are effective and customer-focused, aligning with our mission to deliver exceptional quality and performance in every batch.

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