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Capol GmbH founded as Kaul KG. The CAPOL brand name is formed later from the name Kaul and the English word "polish".

Market launch of CAPOL® 254N, the first ready-to-use chocolate glazing agent that can be applied directly by the confectionery manufacturer without additional preparation steps.


CAPOL establishes a global distribution network to meet the steadily growing demand for finishing products in Asia and the USA.


CAPOL founds Capol (UK) Limited, a sales company in the UK.


Even before the trend really takes off, CAPOL obtains certification to distribute organic BIO certified products, and a year later NOP products.


Kaul GmbH changes its name to Capol GmbH.


CAPOL takes over the US distribution business and founds CAPOL LLC in Chicago, USA.


CAPOL becomes part of the Freudenberg Group, a global technology company with technically leading products in around 40 market segments.


CAPOL becomes the first manufacturer in the industry to use certified sustainable raw materials and offer its customers RSPO-certified products.


CAPOL Inc. in Montreal, Canada, becomes part of the CAPOL Group. CAPOL adds to its portfolio natural color pigments with unique properties, produced with a patented technology.


175 Years of Freudenberg

For 175 years, Freudenberg has been developing innovative solutions, improving materials, and making technological progress. CAPOL has been a part of the Freudenberg Group since 2013.

We are proud of our successes over the many decades of Freudenberg’s history. Then as now, curiosity has been the engine driving us forward. We have truly been Curious since 1849.